Modern-Day Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy
Safe Asbestos Removal Ltd recognises that slavery and human trafficking remain a risk within/to our worldwide society.
The company aims to identify our responsibility by alerting staff to these risks, however small in our business and supplier chain. Staff are encouraged to report concerns to management, who will act upon them.
Company activities are limited to arranging and delivering training programmes in various sectors. We have a supply chain to support us in different aspects and provisions of our business.
We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or any part of our business. Our anti-slavery policy statement reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all business relationships. We also aim to implement and enforce effective systems and control systems to ensure slavery and human trafficking does not occur within our business operations.
This policy considers and supports the policies, procedures and requirements of our quality systems and complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.
The implementation and operation of this management system underlines our commitment to this policy statement. This ensures this policy is communicated and understood by all levels of staff and that the Directors regularly review it to ensure its continuing suitability and relevance to company activities.
The company will achieve these aims by identifying and mitigating risk in the following ways (not limited to):
Vetting and investigation of our supplier chain.
Audit and review all staff and employees are paid at least the minimum wage and have the right to work in the UK.
We encourage the reporting and concerns and the protection of whistle-blowers (see policy)
The company will not knowingly support or trade with any business involved in slavery or human trafficking.
We maintain zero tolerance for slavery and human trafficking and require our supply chain to comply with our values.
To ensure a level of understanding of the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking, we ensure all staff are aware of this policy and all Directors are briefed on the company's obligations.
Level of communication and personal contact with our supplier chain and their compliance and understanding of our expectations
This policy follows Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our company’s slavery and human trafficking statement.
Staff can obtain more information on the signs of modern slavery as well as help and advice from the Modern Day Slavery Helpline website and report any concerns to the national helpline number: 08000 121 700.
Ashley J Dixon
Managing Director
January 2023